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Showing posts from November 15, 2015

You and Your Health with Kween

You and Your Health with Kween Abdominal Bloating            What Is Abdominal Bloating? Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels uncomfortably full and tight and may be visibly swollen (distended). Bloating is a common complaint, affecting between 10 and 30 percent of adults .abdominal bloating can interfere with a person’s ability to work and participate in social or recreational activities. When compared with people who do not have abdominal bloating, sufferers use more sick days, visit the doctor more often, and take more medications.


WORKPLACE / SITE SAFETY TIP Vol 1   INTRODUCTION Some of our Workplace environments are Field Sites for various Construction Works including those for new Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Structures and various Industrial Facilities. All or most of which constitute potential society hazards for workers on site, passersby, visitors to site, unguided neighborhood kids, project contractors, clients and other potential stakeholders.

Relaunching Fresh Naija Potential in the spirit of Fresh Naija Life

Sincere Collaboration Hello Special People out there! We have had a brief period of challenges but as you would know challenges are the beauty of life. We thank you for your excellent understanding.