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Showing posts from November 1, 2015


Morning Breeze Great Leaders don't tell you what to do....they show you how it's done. Nigeria we hail thee! This used to be the nation's praise-song before it was ditched. One wonders what the founding fathers had on their minds at that time. Is it that they saw into the future and were left in fear and despair for the country or could it be that they were full of hope and great expectations for our country or perhaps they were already enjoying the vast human and natural resources in the land in the good old days. We recall with


My country Nigeria is so blessed we virtually have untapped Potentials flying around us every passing minute. Ideally should these untapped gifts to society be properly exploited the world would be better for it. We must start to give our talented and highly endowed young women and men the deserved opportunity of fulfilling their destinies. Join today in the reawakened drive to release a hidden potential near you. kudos!