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Showing posts from January 29, 2017

Intriguing Stories ALC E13 CURSE OF Tea15

Intriguing Stories from .Bedtime Serenade SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI EXTRACTS.... Pamela: “What is it now? I thought you are busy or something?” Tunde: “Okay never mind, it’s of no use then. Let me get back to my work.” He tried standing up but she drew him back. Pamela: “Tell me now. I have a feeling it’s something unpleasant” Tunde: “You won’t imagine how unpleasant it is” he muttered under his breath Pamela: “Why exactly are you all chewing your mouths rather than talking to me? What did you say?’ Tunde: “I said I missed you a lot, I love you more than words can express. Those are what I wanted to tell you. Was just having conflicted feelings you might not want to hear them.” Pamela: “Seriously? Are you sure? Or you’ve changed it?” Tunde: “Very very sure beauty. Let me take you out later in the evening to anywhere of your choice to celebrate your safe return from the village. What do you say to that?” Pamela: “It’s a great idea sir. Let’s m

Intriguing Stories ALC E12 CURSE OF SERENADE12

Intriguing Stories from .Bedtime Serenade SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI EXTRACTS.... Nkechi went to the room and dropped the bag angrily on the floor …”Witch why did you have to come back now? To spoil my good chance of becoming a wife in this beautiful house? Heeeeeiiii… why didn’t she just have an accident on her way back? How much I prayed for that to happen. Chukwu Okike Abiama you no longer answer prayers o” she fumed. …. Pamela could not wait to see Tunde so the next day she prepared and went to the office even though she still had a week before she was due to report back to duty. She headed straight for Tunde’s office. Without knocking, she pushed open the door and saw him on his desk engrossed with the sketching of the recent project he was to work on. He looked up slowly from it and smiled warmly at her. Tunde: “See who is back…” he said standing up from his seat. “It’s my beautiful village girl who did not bother calling me for a whole

Intriguing Stories ALC E11 CURSE OF off for Home Break13

  Intriguing Stories from you need for company for fast getaways ...Continues CURSE OF NDISHI SERIES .......   .......Extracts Nkechi: “No way! I won’t, I know you will only be pleading cowardly. You are just too soft for my liking. So I’m here and I’d treat his fuckup.” Tunde: “But wait… miss, aren’t you the Nkechi she keeps telling me about? That you are her only friend and confidant in Lagos state? Wait aren’t you the one she brought from the village to stay with her?” Nkechi: “I am all that and more. Now that you know, can you please pick up your phone and call her already? Tell her everything and see how grateful to you she’d be. Do it now or get out!” Tunde looked at Ikenna furiously and walked out at last. Ikenna: “Why did you do that? You should have just allowed me to handle everything myself. Now you’ve made an already bad situation worse.” Nkechi: “I thought you’d be thanking me now?” Ikenna: “Thank you for? You shouldn’t have talk

Intriguing Stories ALC E10 CURSE OF up Lunch Break12

Colorful Stories you need for  a fast get away ... C ontinues @ LUNCH BREAK CURSE OF NDISHI S ERIES .......   ........Extracts Pamela: “I’ve fallen head over heels in love with you and it makes me feel like the worst person on earth. I’m not worthy of your love sir. I’m the least of those you should be loving.” Tunde: “You are still talking in parables dear, make me understand what you are talking about. As it is now, there’s nothing you might have done in the past that will make me stop loving you. Besides no one is beyond mistakes. So talk to me.” Pamela: “I have such dark secrets that you cannot fathom.” She said lowering her gaze. Tunde: “Dark secrets? Tell me all of it” Pamela: “I’m married” she blurted out after a long pause. Tunde: “Wow! Hold on please? You are married? But you told me you weren’t when I asked you?” he exclaimed with eyes spitting fire. Pamela: “I’m sorry I lied to you the first time you asked me please. I just didn’t want to

Intriguing Stories ALC E09 CURSE OF Tea14

Intriguing Stories from .Bedtime Serenade SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI EXTRACTS.... Three hours later, Ikenna came into the room and roused her up from her hard earned slumber. Ikenna: “I have something I need to discuss with you right now. So sit up” he ordered. Pamela: “What is it?” she asked drowsily. Ikenna: “Haven’t you healed yet? Or how long does it take a person to heal emotionally? It has been a year for crying out loud.” Pamela: “Please sir, I really need to rest for now. Let’s talk about this at daybreak. Please?” she pleaded wearily. Ikenna: “You are pushing me to the wall. No, my back is hard pressed on the wall already and I must do something or I might not survive this.” Pamela: “I thought we had an agreement. You are supposed to wait till I am ready right?” Ikenna: “Have I not waited long enough? What kind of wife are you exactly?” Pamela: “I am exactly the kind you married” she snapped back.   For complete story click the lin

Intriguing Stories ALC E08 CURSE OF SERENADE11

Intriguing Stories from .Bedtime Serenade SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI EXTRACTS.... Tunde: “Why are you sighing dear? Believe me when I say I am not trying to play you. For the first time in my life I am losing my sleep and peace over a lady. If only you could see my heart, if only could hear how much my heart has professed love for you since the first time we met. Dear, I will not promise you heaven on earth but one thing I will tell you is you will never regret going down this lane with me. Please? He pleaded with tears in his eyes. Even Pamela was weeping softly. “Hey! why are you sobbing? Is it because of all I have just said?” he said when he noticed she was sobbing quietly. He went and sat on the arm of the chair she sat on and made to draw her into his embrace but she jerked up taking three steps away from him. Pamela: “I’m sorry Tunde, but I can’t do this” she said in between sobs. Tunde: “Why? Do you have someone already? Are you engage

Intriguing Stories ALC E07 CURSE OF off for Home Break12

Intriguing Stories from you need for company for fast getaways ...Continues CURSE OF NDISHI SERIES .......   .......Extracts Pamela: “I’ve done it, and I feel so good” she smiled. The Voice: “I love the look of you when you do that too. Now I shall give you a gift to make you forget the feel of that man’s touch” it said seductively, made her lie back, and started wriggling on her body. He touched her face, her boobs and she moaned with pleasure. That noon, instead of asking her to touch herself, he made love to her over and over again then disappeared when it knew it was time for her husband to return from work. Before Ikenna returned, Pamela had cleaned herself up, nursed the wound on her hand and worn a long sleeve gown to conceal it. She wiped clean the floor where the blood had dripped onto and laid back on the bed contented and happy. Ikenna: “I am back” he announced unhappily thinking he would get no reaction from his wife as usual. For com

Intriguing Stories ALC E06 CURSE OF up Lunch Break11

Colorful Stories you need for  a fast get away ... C ontinues @ LUNCH BREAK CURSE OF NDISHI S ERIES ....... ........Extracts Ndubuisi and Pamela’s mum watched as Odinaka sat stiffly on the bed, eyes staring into space and hands hanging limply by her side. They had tried getting her into lying back but she was as immovable as a thousand year old mountain. Ndubuisi had called his dad to come over as soon as he got there and so they stood impatiently awaiting his arrival. Few minutes later Chief Ojobo arrived and was also taken aback by what he saw. Ndubuisi: “Thanks for coming so soon dad. We really need your help here” Pamela’s mum: “Amakaaaaa…” she yelled out her last daughter’s name. Amaka: “Maaaa” the little girl yelled back from the backyard and ran into the room. Pamela’s mum: “Get a seat for the doctor’s dad from the parlor now!” she ordered and the little girl scampered off to do what she was asked to do. Ndubuisi: “Dad, do you probably know what thi

Intriguing Stories ALC E05 CURSE OF Tea13

Colorful Stories you can start your day with. Breakfast's served... SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI .......   .......Extracts Ndubuisi went back to his hospital downcast and distraught. What pained him the most was that he could do nothing to help the girl he loved medically. He felt useless for the first time in his entire life. Dr. Ndubuisi: “What can I do to save this girl? Should I talk to my dad about it maybe he’d be able to help? Should I fly her abroad? What if they are unable to find a cure and she dies there? No way! I should not even be thinking about death at all”. He kept thinking to himself. He was startled out of his musings by a loud vibration of his phone in his shirt’s breast pocket and said “hello…” Pamela’s mum’s voice: “Doctor…start coming now now now, I don’t know what’s happening to Odinaka ooo. Please hurry up; my daughter is not herself anymore o” her voice echoed over the phones speaker. Dr. Ndubuisi: “I’d be there soon and pl

Intriguing Stories ALC E04 CURSE OF NDISHI from SERENADE10

Intriguing Stories from ......Bedtime Serenade SERIES CURSE OF NDISHI NEW EXTRACTS.... “Heeeeei…… come and see for yourself” she said and took off. Mama Pamela followed suit. They half walked and half ran. Pamela’s mum could not think of anything to help quench her curiosity and fear of what the matter was but she followed Mama Okey anyway with clenched teeth and heart in her throat. When Mama Okey finally stopped in front of the village square. What she saw made her jump with grief. It tore through her heart and a heart wrenching shriek escaped her throat. Pamela’s mum: “Oh God! Somebody help me please, Odinaka lets go home ehn? Why are you just standing there like a statue? Mama Okey please why are her eyes dilated like that? Can no one tell me what happened to my daughter?” Odinaka stood there unmoving, unresponsive. Mama Okey: “Okechekwu, tell her what happened” she said facing her son who had a palm tree climbing rope strung across his

Intriguing Stories ALC E03 CURSE OF off for Home Break11

Intriguing Stories from you need for company when you need that get away  fast....Continues CURSE OF NDISHI SERIES .......   .......Extracts He hesitated for a while before entering into his one room apartment. As soon as he had stepped in, he saw his wife on the bed, her naked ebony body glistening under the dim light emanating from the old bulb they used. She was fingering herself and moaning so sweetly he got an erection immediately. As he walked towards her like a zombie drawn to a beating heart, her whole body quaked under the power of her release, she relaxed, opened her eyes slowly and heaved a sigh of relief.  Immediately she saw him standing there with a huge erection and lustful eyes, she quickly made to sit up and cover herself with the blanket but he, like a lightening grabbed hold of her and pinned her down with the weight of his body. For complete story click the link below >>Intriguing Stories ALC E03 CU

Intriguing Stories ALC E02 CURSE OF up Lunch Break10

Colorful Stories you need for  a fast get away ... C ontinues @ LUNCH BREAK CURSE OF NDISHI S ERIES .......   ........Extracts Pamela: “I’m not rigid, are you done with what you are doing? I want to sleep” she replied, pushed him off gently and turned to the other side. Ikenna was confused and decided to let the issue rest for that moment. Ikenna Odumegwu was indeed the pillar of his family even though he was poorer than the church rat. He relocated to Lagos despite the fact that there was no one to take him in as an apprentice. He worked and slept at a motor park in Iddo part of Lagos mainland as a load carrier till he was able to afford the one room he shared with his wife presently. The people in the village believed anyone in Lagos was rich so they thought he was one of such and pestered him to get a wife at all cost. He loved his wife to the bones and worked even harder to ensure she did not suffer but his efforts earned next to nothing still. Depres