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Some of our Workplace environments are Field Sites for various Construction Works including those for new Roads, Bridges, Buildings, Structures and various Industrial Facilities. All or most of which constitute potential society hazards for workers on site, passersby, visitors to site, unguided neighborhood kids, project contractors, clients and other potential stakeholders.

Specifically, many construction site workers end up killed, maimed, and very sick owing to activities in their workplaces. Their tasks expose them to dangerous chemicals/substances i.e. dust, radiation and noise resulting into deaths and ill health conditions such as dermatitis, deafness and deformities.

 Interestingly most of these accidents could be prevented or at least controlled through inclusion of proper safety orientation training programs in workplaces, schools and seminars.

Given the present anxiety to provide for self and family from a stock of very few job openings many young men and women fresh out of the training schools and inexperienced on relevant job safety soon end in avoidable critical health conditions.

It is important therefore for every construction site workplace stakeholder to understand and comply strictly with prescribed workplace Safety Standards & Measures. Tremendous benefits are directly linked to applying relevant workplace safety control measures with respect to low cost of production and accident prevention.
Safety Policy Regulators and Mangers under Health Safety Executive (HSE) regularly review and update provided guidance documentations in relation to Construction Activities.

Health and Safety Laws (arising from years of study of construction site accident investigation and reporting) have been put together to offer helpful guidance and protection to various stakeholders in the site and susceptible members of public. Every site stakeholder is by this consideration expected to report every accident for proper examination, recording, analysis and control procurement. Then the following duty calls arise:

  • Employers duties to other Employees
  • Of any major Stakeholder of a Construction Work
  • Individual Workers to their Workmates
  • Of Clients
  • Of Project Designers i.e. engineers and architects
For detailed documentation on Site Health & Safety Guidance you can see the publications by Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

In our next consideration we will take a look at some common Construction Site hazards our loved ones and us are exposed to.

 Teasers…. Falls, Falling objects, Electrical Sources, Backbreaking Lifting, etc, are common culprits.

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