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You and Your Health with Kween

You and Your Health with Kween

Abdominal Bloating

           What Is Abdominal Bloating?
Abdominal bloating is a condition in which the abdomen feels
uncomfortably full and tight and may be
visibly swollen (distended). Bloating is a common complaint, affecting
between 10 and 30 percent of adults
.abdominal bloating can interfere with a person’s ability to work and
participate in social or recreational
activities. When compared with people who do not have abdominal
bloating, sufferers use more sick days,
visit the doctor more often, and take more medications.

                What Are the Symptoms of Abdominal Bloating?

The symptoms of bloating can be vague and difficult to pinpoint, but
most people describe an
uncomfortable feeling of fullness, tightness, or swelling in the                  
abdomen. This can be accompanied by pain,
excessive gas (flatulence), frequent burping or belching, and
abdominal rumbling.

            What Causes Abdominal Bloating?

The most common causes of abdominal bloating are:
-swallowing air
-irritable bowel syndrome
-intolerance to dairy products
-eating too fast                                                                  


-weight gain
-overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel                                   
-giardiasis (intestinal parasites)        
-anatomical or structural abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract
-some medications
-sugar substitutes (fructose and sorbitol)


          Abdominal bloating can also be a symptom of several serious
conditions, including: fluid in the abdominal
cavity (ascites) as a result of cancer, liver disease, kidney failure,
congestive heart failure, and other
disorders,celiac disease (wheat gluten intolerance),ovarian cancer, pancreatic
insufficiency (impaired digestion because the pancreas cannot produce enough digestive enzymes)

Treatment Options for Abdominal Bloating
In many cases, the symptoms of abdominal bloating can be diminished or
even prevented by adopting a few simple lifestyle changes.

  -Don’t chew gum. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow extra air, which
  in turn can lead to bloating.
-Limit your intake of carbonated drinks.
-Avoid “gassy” foods, such vegetables in the cabbage family, dried
beans, and lentils.
-Eat slowly.
-Avoid drinking through a straw.
-Lose weight if you are overweight.
-Use lactose-free dairy products.
Consult your doctor if bloating is accompanied by any of the following:
-abdominal pain
-blood in the stools or dark, tarry looking stools
-worsening heartburn
-unexplained weight loss

Living a happy life in the years ahead requires a gradual carefully planned lifestyle now. Eat right and live right from now on!

 Contribution by Barima Queen - Freelance Nutritionist
( Many thanks to all our reference hosts)

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