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Showing posts from December 6, 2015


  MONEY MAKING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES LIKE NIGERIA Series 1 - Ehimuwa Stannis Nigeria and almost the rest of the African continent is termed developing. In actual fact this simply put is a consolation for her under-developed status in the eyes of the league of powerful nations like ; US, UK, Germany, China, Australia and other power nations. It is ever appalling to see how leaders of our Nations this part of the world crawl their way up to seek for foreign aids applying all manner of diplomatic tactics to make things look good in the eyes of their followers.  I neither intend to be cynical nor do I want to be assumptive  but lets have it like it is - when would the African Nation begin to walk! This question requires a careful and deeply thought out response because in my humble opinion our well respected and privileged leaders do not seem to have the right ideas and leadership skill sets to tackle our present problems. All Nations have their own h