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Morning Breeze

Great Leaders don't tell you what to do....they show you how it's done.

Nigeria we hail thee! This used to be the nation's praise-song before it was ditched. One wonders what the founding fathers had on their minds at that time. Is it that they saw into the future and were left in fear and despair for the country or could it be that they were full of hope and great expectations for our country or perhaps they were already enjoying the vast human and natural resources in the land in the good old days.

We recall with
nostalgia the affordability of quality education accessible to the average commoner's child from anywhere around the country, imparting him/her with such quality education so that he/she competed effectively well with equals anywhere in the world - we understand that until about four decades back expatriates roamed our indigenous tertiary institutions for pursuit of knowledge, made mostly possible by the bright Nigerians who formed the team of academic staff, then. It did not matter whether lectures were offered in well furnished classrooms or under palm trees, they key thing must have been knowledge content, quality of dedication and delivery.

Another noteworthy event was the level of general self perception. Values such as honesty, hardwork, creativity, indiscrimination, excellence,commitment, hospitality, integrity, selflessness, accountability, fairness, among others were all upheld. The first television station in the whole of West Africa was initiated by a Nigerian founding father, in the person of the Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, without having to be an engineer or a space scientist then. The brothers and sisters from the eastern part of the country developed and utilized what would best be referred to as 'local warfare technology' to defend their cause at the time when it mattered most - creativity at work you may say.

Again was the standard of construction works including buildings of all sorts ,roads, bridges, dams, power stations, monuments, parks, you name it, they were all executed with best global standards. Little wonder their obvious longevity.

Flipping over to now, one again wonders for what the ditched praise-song would have stood for.
Whatever your positive view with regards to this discuss, it couldn't be false to cite the absence of most of or all of what could provoke saluting a nation. Most of what we have today is 'nothing'.
That's putting it in simple terms. Nigerians have continually been short-changed in exchange for no service. We are heavily burdened with harsh economic policies, socio neglect, absolute absence of visionary leadership (no offences intended), failing and nose diving personal values, gross political misconducts were state resources are arrogated for personal indulgence and with the masses left to inherit huge present and future impoverished situations.

Nigeria is a nation of very intelligent people but this intelligence has sofar not be seen in the way we do things. In our choices, in our strategies, in the execution of policies, and in our everyday transactions and interactions, we fail to apply common sense, skill, intelligence, foresightedness, fairness and selfless commitment. We need to think less of ourselves and more of others and society. This could help us in restoring our entire value system.

Just now, crude oil prices are plummeting and the citizens again are expected to take responsibility for this with consequent job losses, spiraling unemployment rates, scarcity of required goods and services, denial of more basic amenities, absence of good governance, unfinished and abandoned projects, low standard of living and only God knows what else lingering the air. 

Our privileged leaders must rise up as true responsible nation building  integrators  to champion the cause of preserving our country's image with visionary home made solutions to our many problems and quit making excuses.
 One wise man says ' All excuses are Equal'.
Finally, 'Great leaders do not tell you what to do, they show you how it's done'  to get out of the fix.

                                                                                                                        compiled by - S L

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