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12 Signs You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

Are you drinking enough water? Water makes up to 80% of your total body mass. Unfortunately not many people take the issue of drinking enough water seriously. This leads to dehydration. Although you may not be able to differentiate between the signs of not-drinking-enough-water and those of other diseases, here are 12 signs to help you know that you are probably not drinking enough water.

Reduced urine
A normal human being who drinks enough water passes water averagely five times in a day. If you make fewer trips to the rest rooms, you are not drinking sufficient water. The water you pass out should also be clear; without a dark yellow color. If you pass out water that is yellow, your body is likely dehydrated. You should note that this can infect your urinary tract. Therefore, you should increase your water intake to boost the number of trips you make to relieve yourself. One or two trips per day are signs of inadequate water intake.

Feeling thirsty
Water makes you feel fresh and better. If you drink insufficient water,
you experience intense thirst and your brain press you to drink more water. Drinking water will restore your peace of mind and the intense thirst will go away.

Mouth dryness

Typically, water acts as a lubricant for the mucus membranes in the mouth and the throat region. Drinking enough water ensures that your mouth is kept moist always. Take this case as an example; a watered tree is always healthier than that which grows on dry soil. You lips will also be “healthier” when you drink enough water. Therefore, if you feel a sticky feeling in your mouth and throat, you should reach for water to
avoid having a dry mouth.


Dry skin
Since the skin covers the largest part of your body, it is important to keep it hydrated always. If you realize that your skin is becoming drier each day then you should know that you are not drinking enough water.
Sweat washes away any waste materials that may be available in your body. Insufficient water in the body means insufficient sweat. As a Result, the waste will accumulate which will lead to a dry skin. You should drink water to stimulate sweat production by the sweat glands to wash those wastes away.

Decreased muscle mass
The most mass of your muscles is comprised of water. Water is necessary before and after workouts to keep the form of your muscles at par. Water also decreases the chances of inflammation during weightlifting. For fuller muscular mass therefore water comes in very handy-very necessary.

Prolonged sickness
Water helps your body get rid of toxins. This means decreased chances of sickness or quick recovery. When your water intake is insufficient, you will stay sick for longer owing to high toxins concentration in your body, also lowering your immunity. When you are sick, water is required in your body to fight the disease out.

Unusual fatigue
A dehydrated body borrows water from other sources like your blood makes you feel fatigued. This is because a dehydrated body lacks enough oxygen which leads to fatigue and lack of sleep. Try increasing the intake of water only, avoiding sodas and caffeinated teas.

Digestive problems
A low intake of water means that the mucus in the stomach and along with the digestive system will be weak. This allows the hydrochloric acid in your belly to serve the functions of water which leads to digestion complications. If the acid goes beyond reach you will experience indigestion and effects of heart burn.

Constipation issues
A dehydrated body forces the colon to use all the water that is important during digestion. This means that there will be no lubricant left in the body; resulting to constipation. The digestive system needs to be hydrated to allow “that waste” to come out with ease.

Early aging
You may feel as if you are experiencing early signs of aging. Age is inversely proportional to the amount of water in our bodies. As you get older you need to increase water intake so that your skin looks younger. Early aging will be seen clearly by the looks of your skin.

Aching joints 
Friction between the bones causes pain along the joints. To reduce friction, it is important to take in enough water so that the joints will be lubricated. It is important to note that water makes up a larger
percentage of the cartilages and the spinal discs. Drinking enough water ensures that the joints absorb shocks which are caused by sudden movements and the bones will not grind against each other.

Dry eyes
Insufficient water does not only affect the mouth but also your eyes. More water means more tears. If you do not drink enough water, you will experience dry eyes since your tear ducts will be dry due to inadequate tear production.

One wise man once said - water is the key to life. Another said the best things in this life are free. So water like her sister fresh air is a basic necessity of life and they are both for us to use freely. # No stinting. 

So long



Contributions from Kween Barima  -  Nutritionist


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